Grief is the ultimate expression of love. As each of us walks our own paths of grief and loss, we too can walk a path of healing and loving.

DeLa’s Portal for Grieving & Healing

The Portal for Grieving & Healing invites you to walk through a series of arches to explore our processes of grief, expressions of love, pools of loss and continued lifelines of healing.  Participate in the sculpture by sharing your words, hands, or stuff by clicking on the buttons below.

DeLa's Portals for Grieving & Healing is in partnership with the Armory Center for the Arts with additional support from Death Doula Minda Sanchez Jariwala and D'Lo's U.N.C.L.E.S. Project.

The Portal will first take shape on the Bridge

at LA State Historic Park

on Saturday, 5/20/23 at Heal Hear Here

Heal Hear Here | Presented by LA Freewaves

Saturday May 20, 2022, 3-7pm, FREE
LA State Historic Park | 1245 N. Spring St., LA CA 90012

Heal Hear Here will be a reparative afternoon of collective care in nature to invite communities to take part in healing practices to support recovery from years of isolation, fatigue, injustice, and hardship


The Portal for Grieving & Healing is made up of 5 individual arches that are more like altars and so I named them ALTARCHES.

I am proud to partner with the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, CA and the Open Studio space and workshop that Minda & I were able to offer on 5/13 & 5/14. Participants honored the individual grief that we were carrying and naming the loved ones lost or transitioned; the jobs or hopes lost, and or the relationships that we are grieving.

In 2020, I experienced the loss during pandemia,

in July  I lost a job that I loved.

Four weeks later my Dad passed away.

8 months later my Uncle Dan & Tita Asing both passed away from Covid.

As I have walked with my grief, I have witnessed so many friends, family, and community members carrying so much.

We, so many of us are hurting, grieving, surviving, crying, trying and more.

This project is for all of us and our collective and individual journeys with grief, loss and healing.


RB Fantastikal